Nothing says nature like the unexpected flash of wildflowers. Sometimes shy and sometimes bold these intrepid "dis-players" make reproductive bids at differing times during the season.
The most secretive wildflowers are the spring ephemerals which burst into
bloom before trees fully leaf and then are gone - flowers and leaves
together - until next season. Trout Lilies and Spring Beauties are an excellent introduction to the breed.
Trout Lily |
Spring Beauties |
Cut Leaf Toothwort
Nodding and shy, these attractive flowers seek pollinators that can go deep. Their particular beauty lies in their subtle aspect and retiring line.
Multiflora Rose
Whitlow Grass
Skunk Cabbage
Garlic Mustard
Choke Cherry Blossom
pyrola americana american wintergreen
Common Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) |
Annual Fleabane Erigeron annuus |
Starry Campion Silene stellata |
Lizard's Tail Saururus cernuus |
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